Three users and parents associations are involved in the FHU PREMA to contribute to its objectives.
Collectif interassociatif autour de la naissanceThe CIANE is a collective made up of French associations concerned with issues relating to pregnancy, birth and the first days of life. It is approved for the representation of users in the health system.
Grossesse et Santé contre la Pré-EclampsieEvery year in France, 15,000 mothers are affected by preeclampsia. The consequences can be serious for their health and that of their babies. We want to inform and promote research to protect their health and lives.
SOS-PREMA et bébés hospitalisésSOS Préma fights to give all premature children the best chance to grow up well:
– We support families ;
– We work with medical teams ;
– We bring the voice of families to the public authorities and defend their rights.