Cohort Profile: The Etude Epidémiologique sur les Petits Ages Gestationnels-2 (EPIPAGE-2) preterm birth cohort.

Key Features

  • Etude Epidémiologique sur les Petits Ages Gestationnels-2 (EPIPAGE-2) is a population-based birth cohort of extremely, very and moderately preterm infants, aiming at estimating short- and long-term outcomes and their association with individual characteristics and unit practices.
  • Preterm births (terminations of pregnancy, stillbirths and live births) from 22þ 0 to 34þ 6 weeks’ gestation, and occurring in all maternity units of 25/26 regions in France in 2011, were eligible. A total of 7804 newborns were included at baseline (participation rate 93%), and 4312 were eligible for follow-up.
  • From 2011 to 2017, three follow-up steps have been performed: at 1-year corrected age (parental selfadministered questionnaire, participation 90%) and 2-year corrected age (parental self-administered questionnaire, 88%, medical questionnaire, 86%). At
  • 5.5 years, 3032 children were still followed; the evaluation consisted of a parental questionnaire (77%), a standardized medical examination (68%) and a neuropsychological assessment (67%).
  • Detailed information was collected on maternal sociodemographic characteristics, living conditions, health and pregnancy management and complications. Regarding the child, the main domains assessed were health, health care use, nutrition and growth, gross and fine motor skills, cognitive functions, language, behaviour, quality of life and school attendance. Additional data on policies and practices of maternity and neonatal units were also collected.
  • Proposals for collaborations and secondary analyses are welcomed. Data access procedures can be found on the EPIPAGE-2 website [].